Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Welcome to the Adventures of Flat Sam!

Today we kick off the adventures of Flat Sam.  Hi my name is Sam and I’d like to share with you a little bit about myself and my “Flat Sam” project.  I am fourteen and I’ve been in a wheelchair most of my life.  I have Spina Bifida which is a birth defect cause by an opening in the spine which allows this spinal cord to develop outside of the protection of the vertebrae.  I had a special surgery while I was still growing inside my mom that helped protect by spinal cord however it did not save my leg function. I don’t let that slow me down at all and can whip around in my wheelchair most days.

Usually, I don’t let being in a wheelchair stop me from being active, however, this summer is a bit different.  Four days after school let out for the summer, I had my first back surgery of two I will have this year.  I’m happy to say that my first surgery went well and I am recovering quickly.  I am disappointed that my activities are still limited and will miss getting outside to play or take vacations.  My second surgery will be in early fall and I will be in recovery for six to eight months.

This year I have many friends taking my "Flat Sam's" with them on vacation so I can enjoy many adventures while I am at home recovering (A special thanks to the author of the book Flat Stanley for such a wonderful idea).  I will be blogging about our adventures here on my site and would love for you to check in with me to see all of the amazing place I have "traveled."  Thanks for being part of my grand adventure!

Wheels Up,