Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fort Stevens, Cancun, & Boston


Hi Sam,

Flat Sam went camping over the 4th of July at Fort Stevens state park with the Crocetti family and 5 other families.  We spent time hanging out at the cabin, enjoying roomy deluxe accommodations that the trailer folks didn't have!  

 Plus all of our neighbors were nice and quiet.  We went on several bike rides with him, including a trip to the sandy beach to see the Peter Iredale boat wreckage.  

Since we were so close to Astoria, we had to have our Goonies movie night because "it was our time" to do the "truffle shuffle" and have a few laughs.  For our big group gathering, Flat Sam had a place of honor at the head of the table and was quite pleased with all the goodies everyone brought to share for lunch.  The best part was, of course, getting to share a Coke with Flat Sam!

Thanks for sharing the 4th with us!


Dear Sam,

Our flights to Cancun were a bit long, but Flat Sam hung in there and took the trip like a champ.  The President of the United States even decided to spend some time at Dallas/Ft Worth with us all while we waited for our connecting flight.  It was pretty cool to see his plane, but the most amazing part was seeing his air "support" team taking off.  3 Chinook helicopters and 2 Osprey's (those are the ones that take off vertically) were an impressive sight.

Our first eco-park was Xcaret which has an impressive Macaw breeding program among many other accolades.  We got to see the birds in at least 10 age stages ranging from just 1 day old up to full fledged adults which they have dozens of just hanging out in their sanctuary.  We were able to walk around and see the various macaw species up close, with all of their different colors, eating and interacting with each other and visitors.  Boy do they get noisy when it's time to be moved back to their cages for the night!  It turns out birds don't like early bed times either.

On most days we got to spend at least a little time hanging out at the most amazing section of beach in the entire hotel zone area.  The sand was a clean brilliant white, soft as powder, and filled with all kinds of shell treasures.  The water was pleasantly warm, remarkably calm, and super salty (making floating effortless, but stung the eyes a bit!).  Our times at the beach were moments of pure heaven that we were happy to share.

¡Viva México!


Dear Sam, 
Flat Sam got to jet set with the Nosack's to Bean Town...Boston.  Here are some pictures of Flat Sam with Gracie and Brendan.

Getting ready to depart on our way to Boston!  Flat Sam is excited to fly.

In the air with Flat Sam almost over Boston.  Touch down and out our window is the great city of Boston!

We are here and ready to take on the town.  Watch out Boston, Flat Sam is looking for adventure!

Hoping you are feeling better soon Sam, we will send more pictures as we travel on our adventures.  Love the Nosacks!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Adventures in Oregon, New Orleans, and Canada!

Hi Sam,

While you were in the hospital last weekend your parents escaped for a short time.  We took Flat Sam with us to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Our tummies needed real food, the hospital food just wasn't as good as your steak :)  We did take a little time to watch all the cool boats speed by on the river.  Thanks for letting us have a little time to take pictures with Flat Sam.

Here's dad and Flat Sam in front of the Old Spaghetti Factory

Then inside in front of the really cool stain glass circle, dad was sad you weren't with us.

And finally we took a picture of the sign for you.

We are glad to be back home and that you are recovering from a crazy month after the surgery.  Hopefully all the cool adventures Flat Sam is taking will help keep you entertained while you are healing.  We love you.

Love ~ Mom & Dad

Hi from New Orleans and the Riverwalk!  You got to go with Araceli on her adventure through the historic riverfront in New Orleans.

Hi Sam,

These pictures of Flat Sam are taken with your 2nd cousins Micaiah, Jamela, and Mr. Dave Turin from the TV show "Gold Rush" on the Discovery channel.  Our adventure takes place just outside of Dawson City of the Yukon Territories of Canada.  Has Flat Sam been this far north yet?  It was light 24 hours a day, Flat Sam didn't get much rest. :)   Flat Sam got to ride in a bulldozer, excavator, dumptruck, and a loader.  He also got to run the washplant and mine for gold!  He may have even found some, but he's not allowed to tell!  Everyone will have to watch the show to see how much gold they found!  He definitely had quite the adventure, as it took four flights and a very long drive to get to the mine site.  He got to see moose tracks and bear tracks and ride in a canoe.  Flat Sam has returned back to Oregon now and is catching up on some rest.  Thanks for letting us take part in Flat Sam's adventures!

Love ~ The Turin Family

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Hi Sam,

We are on our way to Branson to celebrate Papa's B-day and wanted to make a quick stop in Eureka Springs, Arkansas to show you this really cool chapel.  Flat Sam is visiting St. Elizabeth of Hungary with the Ulloa's and Papa & Nama Ramirez.  Flat Sam had a good workout getting up all the steps to the chapel.  We hope you are feeling better soon too.

Love, Tia, Mia, Ella, Papa & Nama.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy Independence Day... A little late

Flat Sam traveled with Nama Tina up to Gresham to the Pitney farm for a family get together for the 4th of July. There he met up with cousins (from left) Miciah Turin, Khoen Pitney, Abigail Bartlett and Fletcher Pitney.  

After we said hello, I spent some time in the Pitney pool with cousin Abigail which was GREAT fun because it was hot that day.

All that swimming made us really tired so Flat Sam laid down out in the field under the trees with cousins Caleb Jackson and Josiah Jackson and took a nap. 

Waking up refreshed and ready to tackle meeting even more relatives, Flat Sam got up and hung with youngest cousin Seraphina Jackson 

Later in the afternoon, Nama and Flat Sam walked out to the barn and fed the chickens. Those chickens were mighty curious about who this handsome young man "hanging out" on their fence was and kept a close eye on him!!

All in all, a very fun day with the family for 4th of July!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Today it is London!

Hello Sam, 
I'm in London right now, working for an organization called the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA). On Sunday, you went with me to King's Cross tube station.  I had business to take care of in the ticket office, but on the way there, we stopped at Platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter.  It was so busy that we couldn't get close enough to get us in a photograph, so we had to just photograph the sign.  

However, we were able to get a photograph of us in front of the Harry Potter store and again outside of the station. 

The real King's Cross station is newer than the one shown in the Harry Potter movies, but right beside it is the St. Pancras station, which you do see in the movies, so we had our photo taken there.

Yesterday, Sunday, my friend Casey, and I went to Spitalfields Market. Casey took a photo of us just as we entered the market.

I'm eight hours ahead of you in time.  Right now it is 6:25 am on Monday here and you are still sound asleep at home. ~ Michele

Thanks Michele for all the great pictures.  We are looking forward to seeing more of your adventures with Flat Sam this summer!  Keep up the great work and be sure to play too. 

7/9/14 - Sam, you haven't had much fun the last couple of days as we have been in the office from morning until evening.  I haven't even been able to take you on a campus tour yet.  However, this evening, you and I have escaped from campus and are now at the London Starbucks in the O2 Centre. We are relaxing and watching the trains go by. ~ Michele

7/10/14 - Sam, you and I haven't been doing anything very interesting for a day or two as we've been working hard.  Students arrive tomorrow then once they are settled in I'll have more time to show you around London.  Today you came to the office with me and enjoyed looking out the window at Kidderpore Rd.  We are living in Hampstead, a beautiful London neighborhood. ~ Michele

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Flat Sam Lands in Arkansas

Flat Sam was so excited to take a trip with his grandparents to Arkansas to visit his Tio Mike, Tia Mari & cousins, Mike, Mia, & Ella.  Here is our first Flat Sam picture (7-5-14) visiting Tia Mari and cousin Ella.  We are so excited to be traveling and are looking forward to posting more pictures soon!  Hugs to our family in Arkansas!
Just a little bit about Arkansas: Walmart was founded in Arkansas very close to where our family lives.  There are multiple Walmart's in their town which is pretty small.  Arkansas was the 29th state adopted in the United States, is known as the Natural State, and its capital is Little Rock.

7/9/14 - Flat Sam got to visit Tia Mari's office today with Nama & Ella.  He is having so much fun visiting Arkansas.  

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Oh the Places He'll Go.

Our Flat Sam's are flying out the door faster that we can make them.  So far we have roughly 40 made and half already spoken for.  Several Flat Sam's took flight today towards London, Mexico, and Boston.  We are looking forward to seeing all the cool adventures these and many more of the Flat Sam's will take.  As a cool way to help track our Flat Sam's adventures we have obtained a world map thanks to some very special people and will be marking all of the cool places Flat Sam's adventures take him.  Each month we will post an updated picture with all of the places Flat Sam has traveled too. 

Haven't got your Flat Sam yet?  Please email us with your email or mailing address and we will get you connected with your very own Flat Sam and his story.  Don't forget to share your Flat Sam with family and friends when your adventures are done.  We are hoping to log a lot of miles this year and will wrap up our Flat Sam journey with a birthday celebration in December.  Here's a quick look at Sam with his first Flat Sam ready for adventure. 

These Flat Sam's are looking for adventure, are you ready for the challenge?!?