Thursday, July 3, 2014

Oh the Places He'll Go.

Our Flat Sam's are flying out the door faster that we can make them.  So far we have roughly 40 made and half already spoken for.  Several Flat Sam's took flight today towards London, Mexico, and Boston.  We are looking forward to seeing all the cool adventures these and many more of the Flat Sam's will take.  As a cool way to help track our Flat Sam's adventures we have obtained a world map thanks to some very special people and will be marking all of the cool places Flat Sam's adventures take him.  Each month we will post an updated picture with all of the places Flat Sam has traveled too. 

Haven't got your Flat Sam yet?  Please email us with your email or mailing address and we will get you connected with your very own Flat Sam and his story.  Don't forget to share your Flat Sam with family and friends when your adventures are done.  We are hoping to log a lot of miles this year and will wrap up our Flat Sam journey with a birthday celebration in December.  Here's a quick look at Sam with his first Flat Sam ready for adventure. 

These Flat Sam's are looking for adventure, are you ready for the challenge?!?

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