Sunday, July 27, 2014

Adventures in Oregon, New Orleans, and Canada!

Hi Sam,

While you were in the hospital last weekend your parents escaped for a short time.  We took Flat Sam with us to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Our tummies needed real food, the hospital food just wasn't as good as your steak :)  We did take a little time to watch all the cool boats speed by on the river.  Thanks for letting us have a little time to take pictures with Flat Sam.

Here's dad and Flat Sam in front of the Old Spaghetti Factory

Then inside in front of the really cool stain glass circle, dad was sad you weren't with us.

And finally we took a picture of the sign for you.

We are glad to be back home and that you are recovering from a crazy month after the surgery.  Hopefully all the cool adventures Flat Sam is taking will help keep you entertained while you are healing.  We love you.

Love ~ Mom & Dad

Hi from New Orleans and the Riverwalk!  You got to go with Araceli on her adventure through the historic riverfront in New Orleans.

Hi Sam,

These pictures of Flat Sam are taken with your 2nd cousins Micaiah, Jamela, and Mr. Dave Turin from the TV show "Gold Rush" on the Discovery channel.  Our adventure takes place just outside of Dawson City of the Yukon Territories of Canada.  Has Flat Sam been this far north yet?  It was light 24 hours a day, Flat Sam didn't get much rest. :)   Flat Sam got to ride in a bulldozer, excavator, dumptruck, and a loader.  He also got to run the washplant and mine for gold!  He may have even found some, but he's not allowed to tell!  Everyone will have to watch the show to see how much gold they found!  He definitely had quite the adventure, as it took four flights and a very long drive to get to the mine site.  He got to see moose tracks and bear tracks and ride in a canoe.  Flat Sam has returned back to Oregon now and is catching up on some rest.  Thanks for letting us take part in Flat Sam's adventures!

Love ~ The Turin Family

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