Monday, July 7, 2014

Today it is London!

Hello Sam, 
I'm in London right now, working for an organization called the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA). On Sunday, you went with me to King's Cross tube station.  I had business to take care of in the ticket office, but on the way there, we stopped at Platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter.  It was so busy that we couldn't get close enough to get us in a photograph, so we had to just photograph the sign.  

However, we were able to get a photograph of us in front of the Harry Potter store and again outside of the station. 

The real King's Cross station is newer than the one shown in the Harry Potter movies, but right beside it is the St. Pancras station, which you do see in the movies, so we had our photo taken there.

Yesterday, Sunday, my friend Casey, and I went to Spitalfields Market. Casey took a photo of us just as we entered the market.

I'm eight hours ahead of you in time.  Right now it is 6:25 am on Monday here and you are still sound asleep at home. ~ Michele

Thanks Michele for all the great pictures.  We are looking forward to seeing more of your adventures with Flat Sam this summer!  Keep up the great work and be sure to play too. 

7/9/14 - Sam, you haven't had much fun the last couple of days as we have been in the office from morning until evening.  I haven't even been able to take you on a campus tour yet.  However, this evening, you and I have escaped from campus and are now at the London Starbucks in the O2 Centre. We are relaxing and watching the trains go by. ~ Michele

7/10/14 - Sam, you and I haven't been doing anything very interesting for a day or two as we've been working hard.  Students arrive tomorrow then once they are settled in I'll have more time to show you around London.  Today you came to the office with me and enjoyed looking out the window at Kidderpore Rd.  We are living in Hampstead, a beautiful London neighborhood. ~ Michele

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